Hello from the new kingdom
I had to say goodby to the Former Site, especially as I could NOT add clickable links to the text
I once again welcome all those from the Court TV Forums, and hope we'll be reading various pieces & critiques, and hope everyone here gets angry, but has fun as well
So, with that, I point to my first attempt at KingCranky's Royally Cranked and leave it up for all to see & comment on here
Now, let's have some fun and get the blood stirring
I had to say goodby to the Former Site, especially as I could NOT add clickable links to the text
I once again welcome all those from the Court TV Forums, and hope we'll be reading various pieces & critiques, and hope everyone here gets angry, but has fun as well
So, with that, I point to my first attempt at KingCranky's Royally Cranked and leave it up for all to see & comment on here
Now, let's have some fun and get the blood stirring