One Year Later, The Anguish Fades, The Pain Doesn't
It's been one year since the most painful, dreadful event I've ever gone through, having to put my sweet cat Jenny to sleep.
Everything I wrote back on that terrible day still bears out with the littlebeast, Jenny was genuinely the sweetest, happiest cat I've ever been lucky enough to be around.
Not a day goes by that I don't miss her terribly, repeatedly.
If the term "soulmate" can be applied to our pets as well as our better-halves, then Jenny truly was my soulmate, she had the ability, through just letting me pet her, to calm me down on rough days and stressful events.
Thankfully, I can remember Jenny with tears of laughter now, not only pain and grief.
Labels: Still Missing Jenny
I'm glad you can finally smile when you remember your sweet cat.
By Kewalo, at 9:23 PM
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