Just for giggles, lets take EVERY public pronouncement from Dear Leader W about the Ports Deal, and see how often he actually identifies-BY NAME-the two companies involved
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
All Quotes Taken Straight From The White House Site Itself
There's NO Higher Expression Of Patriotism Than Quoting Our President
Feb 21, 2006, Part 1
I do want to talk about this port issue. A foreign company manages some of our ports. They've entered into a transaction with another foreign company to manage our ports. This is a process that has been extensively reviewed, particularly from the point of view as to whether or not I can say to the American people, this project will not jeopardize our security. It's been looked at by those who have been charged with the security of our country. And I believe the deal should go forward. This company operates all around the world. I have the list somewhere. We can get you the list. They're in Germany and elsewhere -- Australia.*
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
They -- in working with our folks, they've agreed to make sure that their coordination with our security folks is good and solid. I really don't understand why it's okay for a British company to operate our ports, but not a company from the Middle East, when our experts are convinced that port security is not an issue; that having worked with this company, they're convinced that these -- they'll work with those who are in charge of the U.S. government's responsibility for securing the ports, they'll work hand in glove. I want to remind people that when we first put out the Container Security Initiative, the CSI, which was a new way to secure our ports, UAE was one of the first countries to sign up.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
In other words, we're receiving goods from ports out of the UAE, as well as where this company operates. And so I, after careful review of our government, I believe the government ought to go forward. And I want those who are questioning it to step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a Great British [sic] company. I'm trying to conduct foreign policy now by saying to people of the world, we'll treat you fairly. And after careful scrutiny, we believe this deal is a legitimate deal that will not jeopardize the security of the country, and at the same time, send that signal that we're willing to treat people fairly.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Q Mr. President, leaders in Congress, including Senator Frist, have said that they'll take action to stop the port control shift if you don't reverse course on it. You've expressed your thoughts here, but what do you say to those in Congress who plan to take legislative action?
THE PRESIDENT: They ought to listen to what I have to say about this. They ought to look at the facts, (Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned) and understand the consequences of what they're going to do. But if they pass a law, I'll deal with it, with a veto.
Q The understatement today, and one of the concerns of lawmakers seems to be that they want more of a briefing, and they want more details about the things that you know, that have given you confidence that there aren't any national security implications with the port deal. Are you willing to either have your staff or to give any kind of briefing to leaders of Congress --
THE PRESIDENT: Look at the company's record, Jim, and it's clear for everybody to see. We've looked at the ports in which they've operated. There is a standard process mandated by Congress that we go through, called the CFIUS process. I'm not exactly sure if there's any national security concerns in briefing Congress. I just don't know. I can't answer your question.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Q What's the larger message that you're conveying by sticking to this UAE contract, by saying that you're not going to budge on this, or you don't want to change policy?
THE PRESIDENT: There is a process in place where we analyze -- where the government analyzes many, many business transactions, to make sure they meet national security concerns. And I'm sure if you -- careful review, this process yielded a result that said, yes, a deal should go forward.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
One of my concerns, however, is mixed messages. And the message is, it's okay for a British company, but a Middle Eastern company -- maybe we ought not to deal the same way. It's a mixed message. You put interesting words in your question, but I just view -- my job is to do what I think is right for the country. I don't intend to have a fight. If there's a fight, there is one, but nor do I view this as a political issue.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Q I say it because you said you'd be willing to use the veto on it.
THE PRESIDENT: I would. That's one of the tools the President has to indicate to the legislative branch his intentions. A veto doesn't mean fight, or politics, it's just one of the tools I've got. I say veto, by the way, quite frequently in messages to Congress.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Feb 21, Part II-Impromptu remarks to the White House Press Corps after arriving back in DC
And I also want to address another issue I just talked to the press about on Air Force One, and that is this issue of a company out of the UAE purchasing the right to manage some ports in the United States from a British company. First of all, this is a private transaction. But it -- according to law, the government is required to make sure this transaction does not, in any way, jeopardize the security of the country. And so people responsible in our government have reviewed this transaction.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
The transaction should go forward, in my judgment. If there was any chance that this transaction would jeopardize the security of the United States, it would not go forward. The company has been cooperative with the United States government. The company will not manage port security. The security of our ports will be -- continue to be managed by the Coast Guard and Customs. The company is from a country that has been cooperative in the war on terror, been an ally in the war on terror. The company operates ports in different countries around the world, ports from which cargo has been sent to the United States on a regular basis.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
I think it sends a terrible signal to friends around the world that it's okay for a company from one country to manage the port, but not a country that plays by the rules and has got a good track record from another part of the world can't manage the port.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
And so, look, I can understand why some in Congress have raised questions about whether or not our country will be less secure as a result of this transaction. But they need to know that our government has looked at this issue and looked at it carefully. Again, I repeat, if there was any question as to whether or not this country would be less safe as a result of the transaction, it wouldn't go forward. But I also want to repeat something again, and that is, this is a company that has played by the rules, that has been cooperative with the United States, a country that's an ally in the war on terror, and it would send a terrible signal to friends and allies not to let this transaction go through.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Feb 23, Dear Leader W takes questions as his Administration's report of the Katrina response is released
Q Sir, do you wish you had known earlier about the Dubai Ports deal and were you surprised by the controversy over it?
THE PRESIDENT: The more people learn about the transaction that has been scrutinized and approved by my government, the more they'll be comforted that our ports will be secure. Port security in the United States will be run by Customs -- U.S. Customs -- and the United States Coast Guard. The management of some ports, which, heretofore, has been managed by a foreign company will be managed by another company from a foreign land. And so people don't need to worry about security. This deal wouldn't go forward if we were concerned about the security for the United States of America.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
What I find interesting is that it's okay for a British company to manage some ports, but not okay for a company from a country that is also a valuable ally in the war on terror. The UAE has been a valuable partner in fighting the war on terror. A lot of goods are shipped from ports to the United States managed by this company.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
And again, I repeat to the American people, this wouldn't be going forward if we weren't certain that our ports would be secure. But I also want to remind folks that it's really important we not send mixed messages to friends and allies around the world as we combine -- put together a coalition to fight this war on terror.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
And so we'll continue to talk to people in Congress and explain clearly why the decision was made. Many of those doing the explanations are around this table, and I want to thank them for bringing a sense of calm to this issue, as people understand the logic of the decision.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
So when speaking specifically about this deal, the one Dear Leader W has threatened to use his first ever Veto over, he still hasn't ONCE named the companies involved
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
All Quotes Taken Straight From The White House Site Itself
There's NO Higher Expression Of Patriotism Than Quoting Our President
Feb 21, 2006, Part 1
I do want to talk about this port issue. A foreign company manages some of our ports. They've entered into a transaction with another foreign company to manage our ports. This is a process that has been extensively reviewed, particularly from the point of view as to whether or not I can say to the American people, this project will not jeopardize our security. It's been looked at by those who have been charged with the security of our country. And I believe the deal should go forward. This company operates all around the world. I have the list somewhere. We can get you the list. They're in Germany and elsewhere -- Australia.*
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
They -- in working with our folks, they've agreed to make sure that their coordination with our security folks is good and solid. I really don't understand why it's okay for a British company to operate our ports, but not a company from the Middle East, when our experts are convinced that port security is not an issue; that having worked with this company, they're convinced that these -- they'll work with those who are in charge of the U.S. government's responsibility for securing the ports, they'll work hand in glove. I want to remind people that when we first put out the Container Security Initiative, the CSI, which was a new way to secure our ports, UAE was one of the first countries to sign up.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
In other words, we're receiving goods from ports out of the UAE, as well as where this company operates. And so I, after careful review of our government, I believe the government ought to go forward. And I want those who are questioning it to step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a Great British [sic] company. I'm trying to conduct foreign policy now by saying to people of the world, we'll treat you fairly. And after careful scrutiny, we believe this deal is a legitimate deal that will not jeopardize the security of the country, and at the same time, send that signal that we're willing to treat people fairly.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Q Mr. President, leaders in Congress, including Senator Frist, have said that they'll take action to stop the port control shift if you don't reverse course on it. You've expressed your thoughts here, but what do you say to those in Congress who plan to take legislative action?
THE PRESIDENT: They ought to listen to what I have to say about this. They ought to look at the facts, (Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned) and understand the consequences of what they're going to do. But if they pass a law, I'll deal with it, with a veto.
Q The understatement today, and one of the concerns of lawmakers seems to be that they want more of a briefing, and they want more details about the things that you know, that have given you confidence that there aren't any national security implications with the port deal. Are you willing to either have your staff or to give any kind of briefing to leaders of Congress --
THE PRESIDENT: Look at the company's record, Jim, and it's clear for everybody to see. We've looked at the ports in which they've operated. There is a standard process mandated by Congress that we go through, called the CFIUS process. I'm not exactly sure if there's any national security concerns in briefing Congress. I just don't know. I can't answer your question.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Q What's the larger message that you're conveying by sticking to this UAE contract, by saying that you're not going to budge on this, or you don't want to change policy?
THE PRESIDENT: There is a process in place where we analyze -- where the government analyzes many, many business transactions, to make sure they meet national security concerns. And I'm sure if you -- careful review, this process yielded a result that said, yes, a deal should go forward.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
One of my concerns, however, is mixed messages. And the message is, it's okay for a British company, but a Middle Eastern company -- maybe we ought not to deal the same way. It's a mixed message. You put interesting words in your question, but I just view -- my job is to do what I think is right for the country. I don't intend to have a fight. If there's a fight, there is one, but nor do I view this as a political issue.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Q I say it because you said you'd be willing to use the veto on it.
THE PRESIDENT: I would. That's one of the tools the President has to indicate to the legislative branch his intentions. A veto doesn't mean fight, or politics, it's just one of the tools I've got. I say veto, by the way, quite frequently in messages to Congress.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Feb 21, Part II-Impromptu remarks to the White House Press Corps after arriving back in DC
And I also want to address another issue I just talked to the press about on Air Force One, and that is this issue of a company out of the UAE purchasing the right to manage some ports in the United States from a British company. First of all, this is a private transaction. But it -- according to law, the government is required to make sure this transaction does not, in any way, jeopardize the security of the country. And so people responsible in our government have reviewed this transaction.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
The transaction should go forward, in my judgment. If there was any chance that this transaction would jeopardize the security of the United States, it would not go forward. The company has been cooperative with the United States government. The company will not manage port security. The security of our ports will be -- continue to be managed by the Coast Guard and Customs. The company is from a country that has been cooperative in the war on terror, been an ally in the war on terror. The company operates ports in different countries around the world, ports from which cargo has been sent to the United States on a regular basis.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
I think it sends a terrible signal to friends around the world that it's okay for a company from one country to manage the port, but not a country that plays by the rules and has got a good track record from another part of the world can't manage the port.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
And so, look, I can understand why some in Congress have raised questions about whether or not our country will be less secure as a result of this transaction. But they need to know that our government has looked at this issue and looked at it carefully. Again, I repeat, if there was any question as to whether or not this country would be less safe as a result of the transaction, it wouldn't go forward. But I also want to repeat something again, and that is, this is a company that has played by the rules, that has been cooperative with the United States, a country that's an ally in the war on terror, and it would send a terrible signal to friends and allies not to let this transaction go through.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
Feb 23, Dear Leader W takes questions as his Administration's report of the Katrina response is released
Q Sir, do you wish you had known earlier about the Dubai Ports deal and were you surprised by the controversy over it?
THE PRESIDENT: The more people learn about the transaction that has been scrutinized and approved by my government, the more they'll be comforted that our ports will be secure. Port security in the United States will be run by Customs -- U.S. Customs -- and the United States Coast Guard. The management of some ports, which, heretofore, has been managed by a foreign company will be managed by another company from a foreign land. And so people don't need to worry about security. This deal wouldn't go forward if we were concerned about the security for the United States of America.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
What I find interesting is that it's okay for a British company to manage some ports, but not okay for a company from a country that is also a valuable ally in the war on terror. The UAE has been a valuable partner in fighting the war on terror. A lot of goods are shipped from ports to the United States managed by this company.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
And again, I repeat to the American people, this wouldn't be going forward if we weren't certain that our ports would be secure. But I also want to remind folks that it's really important we not send mixed messages to friends and allies around the world as we combine -- put together a coalition to fight this war on terror.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
And so we'll continue to talk to people in Congress and explain clearly why the decision was made. Many of those doing the explanations are around this table, and I want to thank them for bringing a sense of calm to this issue, as people understand the logic of the decision.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.-owned by Britain, proposed sale to DP World-UAE owned
So when speaking specifically about this deal, the one Dear Leader W has threatened to use his first ever Veto over, he still hasn't ONCE named the companies involved
This what I don't get. We went into a war with a muslim country. Now we are inviting them into our country legally through our ports. Gee Whiz even the republicans are balking at this one.
Amyadoptee, at 10:40 PM
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